Friday, August 26, 2011

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One of the first tasks when beginning a fishing session should be to plumb the depth of the water-way so we can accurately set our bait at the optimum level required. For example, if we are fishing a lake and have ground-baited an area, it is important that we set the bait to hang suspended beneath the float but down just off the lake-bed where the food is, (particularly if we are specimen hunting). On the other hand, if we are 'trotting the stream" or river fishing, it is to our advantage to find the deep holes, shelves and other structures where fish lay in ambush looking for prey. This we can do with plumbing.
The most common and simple method of plumbing, which I also think is the best, involves using a large cone or pyramid shaped lead sinker; with a large eye and a flat bottom (sounds like a girl I used to go out with). We attach the float where we guesstimate the depth to be and tie the hook as usual at the end of the line. We thread the hook and line through the eye of the plummet weight then, with the help of a strip of water-resistant sticky-tape stuck to the flat underside, we embed the tip of the hook to the tape to hold it fast.
Then it is just a matter of dropping the weight into the water and adjusting the float until the correct setting is achieved. The only thing to remember is that the line between the float and the rod-tip be kept slack so as to not effect the floats required vertical position.
Of course there are always limitations to any technique you use when you can't see the measuring device under water. We have to keep in mind that submerged timber could have a branch above the bottom that will give a false depth if the plummet lands on it. Also the effect of a strong current can also confuse the angler and it is only until you experience these things that you learn how to accomodate for them.
It may seem like a rather time consuming practice, particularly at the start of your fishing day when you are keen to get the bait in the water. But the resulting information that plumbing gives you is very valuable, and the more you can commit to memory of the levels in the river or water-course, the more success you will have in the future.
For more detail on this method and other techniques of coarse fishing, visit my site at

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Cat Fishing Gear

One of the most important factors that can determine the failure or success of your catfishing is choosing the right catfishing gear. While you also need to learn some effective catfishing techniques in order to be able to catch as many catfish as you want, choosing the right catfishing equipment is definitely a must if you are taking catfishing seriously. These 2 factors combined together will definitely make you a better angler who can catch monster catfish easily at any time.
Most catfishing gear can be bought from any reputable angler store. Whether you are shopping locally or online, you need to choose the right type of rods, lines, hooks and reels that best suit the catfish you're about to go after. You will have an easier time catching smaller catfish if you choose a light tackle as you wouldn't have to struggle to reel the fish in. If you opt for bigger catfishes, then you need to arm yourself with heavy-duty tackles as well as some strong rods and lines that can withstand a forceful tug from a big and powerful catfish. Test your lines before purchasing them, and make sure that they can support at least 30 to 50 pounds of weight.
You also need to choose the right type of reel that best suits your rod. If you are fishing for fun, then you can use light reels. But if you really want to catch yourself a big catfish that you want to enjoy eating, then going for bigger reels is recommended. It is also advisable to bring different types of hooks when you go fishing so that you can change them smoothly when you feel that the fish comes off easily. Treble and circle hooks are best suited for catching medium-sized to big-sized catfish. The reason behind their effectiveness is that they can keep the fish on the hook longer until you grab it to your boat. Because baits are also very important when it comes to catfishing, using the right type will definitely increase your chances of catching more catfish. Stink baits such as chicken or pig liver, minnows, cut bait and worms are few of the most effective baits used by professional anglers today.
Mastering different catfishing techniques is also necessary for your catfishing success. There is no doubt that time and experience are definitely required if you want to learn thing naturally. You should always practice new tricks and methods every time you go catfishing and analyze the results that they bring. You can experiment on various combination of baits and techniques and improve those that bring in good results. The key to mastering catfishing is to always stay focused and don't rush things, because if you do, you'll startle the fish and prompt it to struggle even more. Let the fish swallow the hook and slowly reel it in.
Chris is a catfishing fan. He enjoys catching big catfish as well as teaching others how to do the same. If you want to learn how to catch catfish easily, check out these catfishing tips. For more information about what gear you should be using, check out: catfishing gear

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Tips for Connecting Two Different Lines

This article is to teach the novice fisherman how to tie exceptional knots for his two lines, and to improve the understanding of the fisherman in all of us. Mentioned will be the nail knot, blood knot, Albright knot, and the double-surgeon knot. Each is unique and, while some more complicated, these knots are used the world over, and are celebrated to this day.
The Nail Knot:
A common fly fishing knot, the 'nail knot' is a rudimentary must-have for the professional fisherman. It involves the attachment of a small object, such as a tube twice the diameter of the line, to the fly line itself, and then attaching the line to the backing. Place the object at the end of the fly line with about two inches of excess, making about a two inch loop at the weighted end of your leader. Pinch the loop to the object. Next, get the small end of the leader loop and wrap about five times around the object and actual line. Each 'wrap' should be at least one-half inch from the end of the fly line. Move the thumb forward to keep it from unwinding, and move the end of the leader through the tube from right to left. Remove the tube, and tighten the knot by tugging both ends of the leader. The idea is to make it more consistent with the fly line. Complete the knot by pulling the line through, trim the leader excess, and you've finished the nail knot. It is a leader to fly line knot.
The Blood Knot:
A more precise knot, the 'blood knot' isn't for the faint of heart. It requires skill to complete, and begins by taking the two lines and having them cross for about four inches with the shorter line ends of both facing opposite. One line's shorter end is wrapped around the next line about six times, with the difference of the first line short end going through the original lines' wrapping. The difference in the second line is then repeated (about six times wrapping), with that difference passing back through the overall wrapping loop. When not tightened, it may remain loose, however, may be tightened at any time to ensure completion of the knot. It is a versatile knot for the tippet or leader.
The Albright Knot:
This is a strong and viable knot. It is used to attach the fly line to the fly reel backing. Take a couple inches of line and make a loop. Run about ten inches of excess through the loop. Hold the loop and wrap the excess around both lines with the other hand, wrapping around ten times. Push the excess through the opposite side where it began so both lines' excesses are adjacent. Pull the remainder through the loop, and tighten if necessary. The line knot is common, and is used before winding the baitcasting reel. It is a fly line to backing knot.
The Double-Surgeon Knot:
This is an ordinary one, but a good decision if the lines are irregular. Place the leader and tippet next to each other overlapping six inches, ends facing opposite. Take the front leader and the end of the tippet and tie an overhand knot with the leader end and tippet itself. The whole tippet length goes through the overhand loop entirely and, while small, is not tightened. Pass through again using the new loop through the existing one again. Pull on the leader and tippet, and your knot is complete. This is a tippet to leader knot.
Terry Newton has a website of fishing reels of many brands and types such as the pflueger fly reel. We maintains blog and website where you can get answers to the rest of your questions and even ask questions to be discussed. Come and shop.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Catfish Baits and Traps

Years of experience and practice are the key to catching big catfish successfully, but knowing the best catfish bait to use and how to properly set up catfish traps play a major role in bringing in a good catch. Whether you are using a usual rod and reel, making a throw line or a jug line or setting up a catfish trap with mesh wires, you need to carefully consider which materials to use in order to insure good results.
The type of bait used affects both the fisherman and the amount of fish he can catch. It is important to choose a bait that is both easy to use yet attracts the fish effectively. Catfish mostly feed by their sense of smell and taste, the whiskers-shaped barbells on their mouths are highly sensitive and help them find their food that has stronger scents and taste, so it is important that you choose the baits which can attract the catfish, not the ones which only 'look' good to eat. Some catfish however, still go for artificial catfish baits and catfish traps from time to time. Still, many professional anglers would choose natural baits over synthetic ones, and majority of them still think that natural baits are the best catfish baits to use when fishing for cats.
There are a lot of catfish baits for luring catfishes. They can be bought in angler stores or you can easily prepare them at home. Crawdads, shrimps and clams are very effective baits, but some fishermen find that removing the shells from these baits take a lot of time. Minnows and worms are also good types of baits but they also attract a variety of other fishes, which is not good if you only want to catch catfish. Cut baits and other types of baits like chicken liver are great stink baits since they give off strong scents. The only drawback of these is that they don't stay too long on the hook.
Catfish traps are also good ways to catch catfish. They can be bought or made, and are easy to set up. You can also do a number of other things after you've set up your trap, which is advantageous if you have other things to do. Whatever method you use, it is important to always secure your equipment and your bait. It is also wise to check your traps once in a while to make sure that they are free from floating debris or to ensure that the trapped fish won't die.
Chris is a catfishing enthusiast. He enjoys catching big catfish as well as teaching others how to do the same. If you want to learn more about catfishing baits, check out the best catfish baits. If you prefer to use traps instead, check out: catfish traps

Ramadhan Dan Mancing

Salam untuk semua pengunjung blog.

Nampaknya pada bulan Ramadhan ini, kawan rasa malas nak menulis atau updatekan blog ini. Bukan apa, rasa letih bila seharian berpuasa. Ni sewaktu kawan menulis ni.. baru aje balik dari masjid. Tapi bila mengenangkan blog yang telah lama tidak diupdatekan... kena juga buka laptop. Dan tulis sesuatu.

Sebenarnya sejak awal ramadhan seminggu lalu, kawan memang dah lama tidak mengunjungi kolam atau sungai. Sabtu dan ahad lepas, teragak juga untuk mengunjungi kolam tapi.. Anak-anak di rumah mengajak teman balik ke kampung untuk mengunjungi datok dan nenek mereka untuk sama-sama bersahur dan berbuka di kampung. Maka berangkatlah teman ke kampung di Gemas Negeri Sembilan. maka hajat untuk mengunjungi kolam dan sungai simpan sahajalah sehingga ada kesempatan.

Walaubagaimanapun, mancing ini memang tidak boleh dilupakan. Walaupun tiada kesempatan untuk memancing, teman akan cari dan ikut laluan yang melintasi kolam atau sungai sewaktu berkunjung ke kampung. Tak dapat memancing tetapi dapat melepaskan pandangan ke sungai atau kolam telah cukup melepaskan gian memancing.

Sepanjang seminggu bulan Ramadhan ini, teman dapati ramai juga kawan-kawan yang mengunjungi website teman. Maknanya ramai juga kawan-kawan yang terus memancing sepanjang bulan Ramadhan ini. Mancing tetap memancing dan kewajipan kita tetap dilaksanakan. Selamat Berpuasa dan selamat memancing.

Satu berita baik di TV jam 8.00 tadi... Semua kakitangan kerajaan akan menerima setengah bulan Gaji sebagai bonus tahun ini untuk menyambut Aidil-Fitri. Syukur ke hadrat Illahi. Tapi.. jangan habiskan di kolam memancing...kah  kah kah.