Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mancing Dan Bulan Ramadhan

Salam untuk pengunjung blog ini.

Nampaknya tak lama lagi, Insya Allah hari Isnin ini, kita orang Islam akan menunaikan Rukun Islam yang ke 3 iaitu berpuasa. Puasa sebenarnya adalah ibadah yang diwajibkan ke atas kita orang Islam. Namun begitu sebagai pemancing, puasa sebenarnya tidak akan menghalang aktiviti kita hanya mungkin menghadkan pergerakan dan aktiviti kita.

Sebenarnya seronoknya juga jika ada aktiviti terutama dihujung minggu yang mungkin membosankan kita. Maklum sahajalah. Nak bersembang di Kedai mamak mungkin malahan tidak mungkin untuk kita yang tengah berpuasa. Sebelah malamnya pula mungkin kita akan bersolat terawih. Oleh itu masa yang terluang di hari Sabtu atau Minggu atau cuti umum, elokklah kita isi dengan aktiviti memancing. Sekurang-kurangnya kita lupa waktu menunggu berbuka yang mungkin dirasakan amat lama terutama di awal Ramadhan ini. Jika dah masuk ke minggu kedua dan ketiga... dah tidak terasa sangat.

Oleh itu aktiviti memancing ini akan menjadi satu aktiviti yang mengisi masa kita sambil menunggu waktu berbuka. Rakan-rakan boleh mengunjungi kolam-kolam memancing atau sungai mahupun tasik. Tapi awas Bang. Janganlah kita pergi ke tempat yang panas tanpa pelindung. Takut-takut nanti tercabar iman di dada.

Sebagai admin blog, saya mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan Selamat Berpuasa kepada rakan-rakan pembaca yang beragama Islam. Puasa adalah satu ibadah yang diwajibkan kepada kita yang beragama Islam. Ia adalah satu latihan fizikal dan rohani yang berkehendakkan kita sentiasa bersabar. Sebagai pemancing kita memang selalu bersabar. Kalau tidak sabar... kita tidak akan mendapat hasil pancingan kita. Selamat Berpuasa. 

Jumpa lagi di posting yang akan datang.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Water Temperature And Fishing

So you have put everything together and you are ready to catch that big fish but I bet you never took into consideration at how the temperature of the water would affect the journey you are about to embark on.
When it comes to fishing in the spring time water temperature becomes very important. The success of a spring fishing trip can be won or lost because of even as little as 3 or 4 degrees rise in water temperature. As the water rises the fish start to move and they become more aggressive. Once this happens they start to move closer to shore to feed. At this point the fish should be easier to catch.
When it comes to water temperature and fishing there are a couple of factors that need to be looked at.
Of course when we think of temperature we think of heat and outside we all know that our heat comes from the sun that shines above us. The second factor we need to think of whether you believe it or not is rain. So the two factors that we need to most consider when it comes to fishing is sunshine and rain and then we will be dealing with what most affects fishing. since the water that falls from the skies is much warmer then the water sitting in lakes you will want to focus your fishing in places where the rain runs off. Places like ditches, small rivers and creeks will be great starting points.
It wont take fish very long to find these warmer run off areas. With in a couple of hours you will have fish chasing food in areas that will work great for you when it comes to fishing. It is now up to you to take advantage of the water temperatures and use the right lures. Learn what lures are the best for the fish you are trying to catch and get them on your line. Once you learn how the temperature affects the fish you are trying to catch you will stand a better chance of catching greater numbers.
It can take several days of sunshine to change the temperature in the water which would in turn change the activity of the water. It will be worth your time to pay attention and play the waiting game because when they start biting you will be very happy.
The day will come when you find yourself doing all the right things but unfortunately you will not catch a fish until everything is just the way it is supposed to be when it comes to water temperature and fishing.
Dale is all about fishing. Its time to take a look and see how you can up the ante and start catching more fish.
Feel free to take your time and spend some time at my website at
Also take a look at my blog at

Article Source:

Monday, July 25, 2011

Make the Best Bait for Catfishing at Home

Using the best bait for catfishing is the most important factor in helping you catch catfish. The best bait can give you the best outcomes and results in terms of fishing. Smell and taste usually attracts catfish, so both are important to consider when choosing bait. Some anglers recommend using bright-colored bait, even though catfish do not have great eyesight. Some popular catfish baits include chicken livers, shrimps, crawfish and night crawlers. Making your own bait at home is a great way to make the best bait for catfishing affordably.
How-to tips
You can make some of the best baits for catfish at home using simple techniques:
• You can make custom dip or soaked sour grain to attract catfish to your position by using it in the baiting area. 
• The catfish's great sense of smell leads them to bait dipped in dead earthworms. 
• Dough balls are one do-it-yourself kind of bait that works consistently.

- You can make them at home: 
  • Dough balls are considered to be the best bait for catfishing as they are made easily.
  • These balls stay on the hook so you don't have to fear losing your bait.
  • You can make dough balls at home using flour, bread, corn meal or cereal. Crush any one of these and add a liquid to dry the ingredients which will work as a binder for the mixture.
  • Water, tuna syrup can be used for the binding purpose. Red dye or red colored soda can help in adding color to your homemade bait for catfish.
  • Add smell and flavor to the bait by adding cheese or corn and form small balls.
- You can also purchase dough balls at the store: 
  • They are inexpensive.
  • If you have bought the premade dough from the market, make smaller dough balls and soak them in fresh smelly juice by placing them in sealable plastic bags.
• Stinky cheese, liver, sour corn and fermented cornmeal and also be mixed together to offer a different choice of best bait for catfishing. 
- Remember that these kind of homemade baits won't always help you catch a large catfish, but they can help. 
- Live bait will always give you the best results in terms of best baits for catfishing.

• Night crawlers are a traditional favorite and are used by many anglers to help catch plenty of catfish consistently.
Other homemade bait choices
Chicken or beef livers also make great bait for catfish. Larger sized bait should be used for catching larger sized catfish. Livers soaked in liquid of garlic or tuna can also work well-just let them dry in the sun instead of placing them in cool place. Cheese is also a good bait choice for catfishing, especially orange cheese like cheddar.
You can catch more of these fish by using homemade choices. Any of the options listed, and many other options-remembering the ideas above-will help you have more fun, and catch more catfish. Just consider using homemade and making your own best bait for catfishing.
Jeremy Jefferson is a catfishing expert. For information on best bait for catfishing, visit

Article Source:

Mancing Baung Sungai

Sebut sahaja Baung...Kebanyakkan pemancing sungai amat teruja untuk mendapat spesies ini. Nak tahu kenapa ?
Saya sendiri pun tidak tahu.Tetapi kebanyakan pemancing, jika ke sungai... inilah spesies yang menjadi idaman setiap pemancing sungai untuk menaikkannya. 

Malahan ada pemancing yang ke sungai semata-mata untuk mencari spesies ini. Mungkin agaknya seronok menarik baung telah terkena pancing ini terutama yang bersaiz melebihi 1kg... amat seronok dan sedikit mencabar. Di samping itu, rasa baung bila telah di masak (terutama masak lemak cili api) sungguh enak tidak terkata. Sehinggakan ada orang kata "Mak Janda lalu di hadapan, kita tidak akan perasan" bila tengah makan berlaukkan baung masak lemak cili api.

Okeylah. Saya tak mahu cerita tentang ikan baung ini. Kerana ramaipemancing telah tahu dan rasa samada semasa menarik baung yang telah terkena pancing atau menikmati kenikmatan dan kelazatan masakan baung dengan cili api.

Apa yang saya nak cerita atau kongsikan di sini ialah apakah umpan yang paling sesuai untuk memburu spesies ikan air tawar ini. Bagaimanakah untuk menyediakan umpan tersebut.

Untuk makluman saudara pembaca semua, gambar baung di atas adalah baung seberat 3.4 kilogram, dipancing di Rompin Pahang pada bulan Mei lepas. Kawan-kawan tentu tidak sabar nak tahu apakah umpan yang saya gunakan...?  Sebenarnya saya hanya gunakan umpan Komboja (Baunya...busuk sedikit tetapi hasilnya...MasyaAllah! Buktinya adalah gambar di atas) Saya bukan nak promosi umpan tersebut. Kerana saya bukan penjualnya. Saya juga beli umpan tersebut lebih kurang RM45, sebotol. Saya hanya nak kongsikan kepada pengunjung blog semua bahawa jika nak dapatkan baung bersaiz besar seperti di atas, gunakanlah Umpan Komboja. Saya percaya kawan-kawan semua pasti telah mendengar dengan umpan tersebut.

Mungkin ada yang tanya "Bang. Pancing masa air pasang atau air surut?" Untuk mancing baung, air surut adalah masa terbaik. Pada masa ini ikan kebanyakkan berada di tengah sungai. Di sebelah tebing sungai, biasanya telah semakin cetek. Baung suka berada di tengah sungai kerana kebanyakkan makanan juga berada di tengah sungai. Jika saudara menggunakan sampan/boat, gunakan sauh agar sampan/sauh anda sentiasa berada di tengah sungai.

Jika boleh, lintangkan kedudukan sampan/boat anda. Ini akan memudahkan anda dan rakan penumpang sampan/boat anda membaling pancing ke sebelah hilir arus sungai. Saudara tidak perlu baling jauh ke hilir. Cukup sekadar 20 ke 30 kaki dari kedudukan anda. Tapi ingat!! Sentiasa bersedia memegang joran anda terutama jika anda menggunakan joran kecil. Tarikan baung dengan umpan komboja ini amat ganas dan rakus. Jika terleka, ada kemungkinan joran anda akan terjun ke sungai...

Okey. Itu sahaja yang saya nak kongsikan. Kita jumpa lagi di posting yang akan datang ini. Selamat mencuba.

Carp Fishing Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

New and seasoned fishermen can still benefit from a few carp fishing tips, tricks, and techniques. Even experienced individuals need a regular refresher in order to be reminded about everything they know. It is also an opportunity to learn about fresh updates related to fishing in general.
  • As with any other type of fishing, knowing more about the subject helps. When fishing for a particular fish such as carps in this case, most will agree that having knowledge about the specific fish in general is an effective technique. All tips and tricks revolve around this technique, which includes fishing in abundant waters, purchasing the right tackle, utilizing proper bait, among others.

  • Finding a water source tops the list of carp fishing tips. Although fishing for carp had been predominant in European countries, this hobby is starting to become popular in other nations too such as the U.S. In Europe, there are clubs that offer venues for fishing carp. These clubs have organizations and groups, which comprise of individuals who fish for carp as a past time. In other parts of the world where no clubs are formed, carp fishing is practiced in freshwaters such as rivers.

  • Aside from locating a good water source where carp fishes dwell, proper bait is also always listed among fishing tips. Bait, boilies, pellets, and other types can be used for this purpose. A variation in the types of bait to be used is preferable. Boilies however are recommended during a specific season of the year such as summer and winter. Boilies can be either commercially purchased or may also be prepared manually at home. Adding salt and a few spices may also help since carp loves a little flavor to the bait.

  • Useful fishing tips always include information about tackle to use. There is no need to spend money on expensive fishing gear and equipment but choosing the type of tackle to use must be compatible for the one who uses it. Beginner fishermen are advised to use a six feet long rod or even longer. A shorter fishing rod can have it replaced as soon as the new fisherman learns to handle the gear properly.
These tips, tricks, and technique are only basic information. Anyone who enjoys fishing for carp fishes will, in time, be accustomed to how it works. When that time comes, fishing for carp will be as natural as any other endeavor.
Are you looking for more information regarding carp fishing tips? Visit today!

Article Source:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Fishing Rods - What You Should Consider Before Buying One

Let's first define what a fishing rod is for the newbie. A rod is just a long stick or pole used to catch fish. It has a place for you to put your reel. You have your fishing line running through it from your reel. Where at the end you can put your hook on it to catch your fish. Okay that's it. Now you have my personal definition of a rod. If you look up the definition In Wikipedia, they will tell you that it's no more than a tool for catching fish a more fancy term use today.

Now also for your information fishing tools are made up of several kinds of material. You have your fiberglass, carbon fiber, graphite, classically, and bamboo. Depending on what kind of fishing you will be doing, rods come in a few different sizes and many different types as well. If you were to do some research on which tool to buy. You will find out that probably the shakespear ugly stick is one of the best fishing tools to buy. They have a very good reputation from many users.
They are inexpensive, Virtually unbreakable in normal use. Great for new fishermen and children alike. They are cited by almost all reviewers as a solid, dependable tool for smaller fish that fits all anglers of all skill levels. The point is it's a great tool. Well if you are a novice fishermen then you know there our rods for all types of fishing. Weather you are standing ashore, or in a boat and moving a long at what ever knots like such as your trolling rods for you ocean anglers. Now those tools are made to really bend and whip for that fast action you expect.
For the fishermen that like to catch the big one, you have your Sea rods. They are designed for use with huge fish from the ocean. There are tools for the smaller fish called, the ultra light rods. You can attach smaller lures and actually you can have some fun with some of the bigger fish to. You have your spinning rods for catching pike, walleye and trout. You have fly rods, spin and bait casting rods, ice rods, surf rods, telescopic rods, carbon fibre rods and tenkara rod.
Well that should cover it about fishing rods. If you want more information on fishing rods there our plenty of resources out there. I hope you find this article helpful on what type of rod you need.
Feel free to start your search at Happy fishing!

Rahsia Umpan


Ramai yang email dan sms: "Tuan Norman, bila nak lancarkan Rahsia Umpan Power terbaru ni ?"  Terima kasih kepada semua yang email dan sms saya itu. Seperti yang saya nyatakan sebelum ini, harap bersabar. Rahsia Umpan Power akan menemui saudara tidak berapa lama lagi. Hanya sekarang ini ada beberapa imej dan setting serta teknikal yang belum siap.

Kalau tidak ada aral yang melintang, Insya Allah selewat-lewatnya selepas raya atau pada bulan Ramadhan ini, web baru Rahsia Umpan Power ini akan dilancarkan. Harap bersabar. Terima kasih.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rahsia Umpan Power

Salam agak lama saya tidak mengupdatekan blog ini. Mohon maaf. Kerana dari blog stat yang ada pada blog ini, ramai yang mengunjungi blog ini namun hanya dapat maklumat lama. Sebenarnya saya agak sibuk dengan tugas harian yang mengecilkan kesempatan untuk saya menulis atau menghantar posting terbaru ke blog ini.

Baiklah. Saya sebenarnya ingin memaklumkan kepada pengunjung blog bahawa web jualan Rahsia Umpan Power Kap dan patin akan ditamatkan tidak berapa lama lagi.
Sebagai gantinya, Rahsia Umpan Power versi2 akan menyusul sebaik sahaja web lama ini ditamatkan. Jika ada pengunjung yang berminat dengan Rahsia umpan Power Kap Dan Patin ini, dapatkanlah segera dengan mengunjungi  Apabila web ini ditamatkan, dan digantikan dengan Rahsia Umpan Power versi2, harganya sudah tentu akan dinaikkan. Ini kerana dalam e-book Rahsia Umpan Power Versi2, semua bakal pembeli akan didedahkan dengan pelbagai resepi rahsia yang lebih power. Rahsia tradisi memancing ikan sungai juga akan didedahkan. Saudara juga akan didedahkan bagaimana untuk memancing udang galah iaitu Raja Udang di sungai.

Tentang harganya...saya masih belum tetapkan. Tetapi ianya tidak akan membebankan saudara pembeli dan Insya Allah akan memberikan kepuasan lebih hebat berbanding Rahsia Umpan Power Kap Dan Patin.

Tunggulah kehadiran Ebook khusus untuk pemancing ini...


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Of What Matter Is Line Color?

Does line color matter in fishing?
First there was just clear monofilament that everybody uses and many have found it sufficient for their needs. Then clear fluorocarbon lines arrived that was touted as invisible in the water. Next came red lines whose color disappears -and thus the line goes as well-beginning from a certain depth. Then green lines were said to blend with water vegetation, thus avoiding spooking the fish. All these innovations were introduced to prevent the fish from being 'line shy'. But do they really get so?
In an experiment conducted at Oklahoma State University, some largemouth bass were given food rewards using various colored lines. As part of the study, the food was taken out after a while, but the fish still went to the line of the correct color for the accustomed reward. The study thus clearly showed fish can discriminate between colors.
Secondary information gleaned from the experiment indicated that bass were less inclined to go to a high-color orange line than lines of other colors. Additional experiments also showed less catch for anglers using such orange high-visibility lines. However, it has not been definitely determined whether the fish are spooked by the line or simply does not like the color. What is clear is that they react negatively to orange-colored lines.
The effect of water
Water absorbs light; that is clear. Depending on its clarity, water absorb certain colors first, such as red when very clear, but violet and blue -long-wave colors-when filled with rotting plant detritus, so that red, yellow and orange remain visible. Moreover, the refractive property of water enable fluorocarbon lines to 'disappear', although not really completely as believed by many. Some shine in the line surface reflect light, making the line visible. So sometimes dulling the line surface and color-tingeing it with a little green can add to the line's 'invisibility'.
From the angler's point of view
Many times, however, seeing your line is also very beneficial. There are instances when fish strikes are not easily noticeable, particularly when baitfishing. Anglers who have not felt any strikes have caught fish when they saw their lines moving, indicating fish is at the business end. High-visibility lines also enable anglers to see where their lines are, that is why flyfishing lines are often sold in easily seen colors, such as fluorescent yellow, orange, green, blue and bright white. You may not detect strikes if you use dull colors.
The new line
Lines that change from bright gold but fades out to clear when in the water appear to be latest innovation. This 'magical' capability is achieved by incorporating a photosensitive property to a clear line which colors the line gold when it is exposed to sunlight. It answers the anglers to see the line abovewater, although it should not be seen by the fish under the water. Until we can ask the fish what is its favorite color, we will perhaps never know the definite answer to the question, "Can fish see the line?" Still, it should not mean we must stop trying to discover it ourselves.
L Edwin G Rondina has been fishing for more than 40 years, mostly saltwater. Nevertheless he is extremely interested in its various forms and wants to learn to try them as much as possible. He loves to write about them to share his knowledge. Read more of his articles here, and maybe you could pick a tip or two to enjoy the pursuit much better.